diary: wtf?

i interviewed a senior partner of a danish architecture firm the other day who was just barely polite enough to mask what appeared to be a mixture of derision for my questions / project / profession and insecurity over his answers (which he might well have felt as they were useless, an exercise in self-contradiction and empty rhetoric).

the following day, i went to see photographer adam mørk in his studio; adam spoke at length for hours, was generous with his contacts and forthcoming with any and all the information he could provide.  he was kind, considerate, natural and friendly…or the best actor i have ever met.

the architect with nothing to lose and the photographer with nothing to gain from meeting me acted entirely contrary to what one might expect.  in this i could see the importance of meeting someone, being in the room together and observing their character and reactions firsthand, not just sending an email with questions.  it was as juha varto taught us in his lectures.

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